Archive for 'South Africa'

The meaning of it all, in XML

by on March 4, 2009 at 4:01 pm

Here’s a relatively new web service for publishers and developers that’s a different spin on the semantic web. Amplify is mostly a semantic web service, although it tries to differentiate itself from other semantic services by saying it focuses on understanding content rather than classifying content — which is what the semantic web has been […]

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New launch: Book publishing 2.0

by on March 2, 2009 at 5:09 am

Wow, this looks interesting. A new social media platform called Crink or “Creative Ink” has just launched, enabling amateur, budding and experienced authors to publish, sell, buy and market their books online. It allows authors to create social networks, personalised online shops, groups and forums around their interest areas and books.
Customers can order books from […]

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SA bank claims 1-million mobile phone banking users

by on March 2, 2009 at 3:17 am

Absa, the country’s largest retail bank, says it’s one of the first banks in the world to notch up a million cellphone banking customers, prompting it to call “2009 the year for Cellphone Banking”.
It was the first South African bank to introduce Cellphone Banking services in the year 2000. Absa says that over the last […]

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Rhodes University: My alma mater

by on February 26, 2009 at 6:32 am

I must say, I’m particularly proud that I went to Rhodes University. I have such amazing memories of studying and partying there. It’s an unusual campus, away from the big cities, situated in a small, relatively isolated town called Grahamstown. What this means is that most students live in residences and there is a tremendous […]

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Everything is amazing, nobody is happy

by on February 25, 2009 at 5:34 am

Hilarious… and too true. See myself in this video. (Received via Facebook from a friend.)

tags: crazy

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Musings: The blogs revamp

by on February 25, 2009 at 3:14 am

Here are some designs and thoughts around the new look blog platform. The designs are by Philip Langley, with Alistair Fairweather in the driving seat.

Our musings:
1. Less, more individual blogger. More blog-like 🙂
2. More viral, using contact and social network mining. Help bloggers build audience.
3. Rigid templates for best practice, yet open to […]

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Why Obama Needs A Special Envoy to Africa (and not just George Clooney)

by on February 24, 2009 at 2:58 pm

SA political party launches impressive, Obama-esque campaign site

by on February 20, 2009 at 1:53 am

The Democratic Alliance (DA), a local opposition party, has impressed with their new online strategy. Clearly inspired by Barack Obama’s web innovation, the political party has launched two websites, although only just squeaking in two months before national elections kick off. The sites are: a social media-type campaigning site, “Contribute to change“, (built on BuddyPress […]

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The social network approach to viralising your articles

by on February 19, 2009 at 2:55 am

One of the key viral elements of content websites, such as news sites, are the “email to a friend” links you see on many articles. Personally, I don’t use these, but I know they’re valuable: there’s a type of user that religiously use these links as a way of sharing. Obviously they introduce new traffic […]

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Synthasite gets $20-million smackeroos

by on February 17, 2009 at 12:28 pm

Synthasite, the site that creates sites, has just received $20-million more in funding. It’s been the worst kept secret in the industry, but now it’s official. The site is also about to undergo a name change to secure a much shorter, four-letter .com domain — but this is yet to be officially announced.
One of the […]

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