Mitzi TV’s Take on Quirky London

by on July 21, 2009 at 9:33 pm

At this month’s TweetUp in London, I had the opportunity to meet with Mitzi Szereto who runs around London and shoots, all of which ends up on Mitzi TV online.

She’s actually a yank who nows lives in London and her videos are her personal take on quirky London……. from prowling the streets of London in pursuit of a bowl of jellied eel and chatting about vintage cars with shoe designer Jimmy Choo and Formula 1 racecar driver Tiff Needell, to being recruited into a dance by a troupe of Morris dancers.

Below Mitzi with Geeks Sky Schuyler and Renee Blodgett

Mitzi Sky Schuyler and Renee Blodgett (2)