Thank You Britain!

by on June 23, 2009 at 7:49 pm

Swinging with Grandson Harry, who resides in Kensington

Swinging with Grandson Harry Saperstein, who resides in Kensington

“Never have the Traveling Geeks owed so much to such a dedicated few.”

Badly paraphrasing Churchill, I am stirred by and grateful to the phenomenal people and organizational support who have collaborated, hosted, and worked with us these many months to bring the Traveling Geeks to Britain.
Penny Harwood and Richard Stanaro from Think London initially worked with JD Lasica and me to conceive the trip.

Roland Harwood and Rohan Gunatillake of NESTA, the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, have been our gracious hosts, sponsors, and collaborators for site visits.

Karyn Barnes of EEI, East of England International, has worked very hard to schedule the Cambridge leg of our journey.

Jess Tyrell and Steve Moore have been our gracious organizers for ReBoot Britain Conference on July 6

Barbara Grull-Cacao from Think London who planned the Guardian Media Podcast and coordination with other media.

Ted Shelton of the Conversation Group spearheaded our Tweet Up scheduled for Sunday July 5 at JuJu’s

Clare Laurie of E Consultancy worked with us to develop the round table discussions for July 9.

London/Cambridge is a natural habitat for the Geeks. We share culture, curiosity, and inclination to see what is new, innovative, and beneficial for the common good. Not to be downplayed, we all know how to have a good time with lots of laughs. The Geeks will be blogging, video streaming, presenting, and conversing formally and informally with hundreds of like minded British kindred spirits through a week of intensive morning, afternoon, and evening events.

We are eager to begin.