Archive for 'Uncategorized'

En Route to the Holy Land – A perspective for the Traveling Geeks

by on December 9, 2008 at 5:00 am

It’s a land of contradiction – equal parts historic, economic, social, political and religious.

But no matter who you ask, most people would likely agree that the collective set of countries called the Middle East comprise one of the most fascinating – and conflicted – parts of the world. In particular, one of these countries elicits an immediate and almost visceral reaction from anyone of whom you might ask: “What do you think about Israel?”

Last week someone asked that very question on Seesmic. Actually the question that Kfir asked was: “What do you know about Israel?” Here is the query in his words:

It wasn’t long before a wave of people responded. The discussion had intense moments – sharp discord and heated debate followed quickly by an interesting thing … something that almost resembled detente. politika ip information . domain owner parental blocker dns information . where is domain hosted . domain dns server . ip tech info . i cloud domain abuse . website down . similar sites word cloud

Marinating since SXSW – blame the barbecue

by on December 8, 2008 at 5:00 am

In the spirit of disclosure the original “creation” date on this would be more accurate if it mapped to the time I spent in Austin, TX for SXSW.

But as with so many things of this nature, I only just compiled the thoughts and am now writing in the dark cabin of my United flight winging my way across the Atlantic (a quick glance at the in flight map shows we’re just passing over Greenland).

Yes, this has been marinating since SXSW – perhaps a credit to the superlative barbecue that one finds in Austin,TX. In any case its catalyst was a session at SXSW focusing on Muslim extremism on-line and how the moderate Muslim community is arising to combat the way in which the fundamentalist faction of their people is destroying the overall essence of their existence. cote d’ivoire politika . ip information . domain owner . parental blocker dns information . where is domain hosted tourist attrations . domain owner lookup . domain dns server list of domains up or down . i cloud . web archive . website down apache web server . word cloud .

The Gun Shy Candidates: Clinton and Obama

by on December 7, 2008 at 5:40 pm

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Heading to Israel

by on December 7, 2008 at 5:00 am

Haifa_port I’m off to Israel with nine other bloggers, where we’ll listen to and interview visionaries in technology, social media, renewable energy and the arts. Everything will be captured here, but all of our blog posts will be aggregated to a central site to be announced soon.

I chose a picture of Haifa’s port because it was here where I landed by ship on my very first trip to Israel now more than twenty years ago. I was traveling alone, very young (still a teenager), wore a small backpack and landed without a map, guidebook or clue where I was going. I had no plans, other than to hitch north to south and back again.

When I would depart was also unknown, as exploration and adventure were the only two words I knew at the time. It was a time when I knew few boundaries and the world was unlimited. A main goal was to meet as many people who were “not like me or my culture” as possible.

Haifa has a long history and its even more evident when you land by ship at dawn. It has been a refuge for mariners since prehistoric times. My recollection of it was “dusty” and “industrial.”

I wrote in a diary at the time, now a beaten up cardboard notebook with faded international flags, “my first view of Israel was of Haifa’s dusty port. It was not quite 5 am. where is domain hosted . dns information Fog and mist surrounded our ship and it grew even hazier as we got closer to dock. A sprawling industrial place. Army soldiers everywhere…….on boats passing by us, even more upon landing. Surreal. As if it were all a dream and we had turned back the hands of time by a century.”

That was 1985.

This trip is largely business but I do plan on returning to a few old haunts, if they still exist or I can find them by retracing my scribbled notes from so many years ago. More from the road. website down . apache web server . word cloud .

My inaugural journey to Israel – an initiation of sorts

by on December 7, 2008 at 5:00 am

My first journey to Israel occurred in 1995 as part of a mission from my family’s synagogue in Southern Florida – Boca Raton to be precise.

The tale of that journey is one I’ve not shared publicly. I’ve told some friends, but for the most part, I’ve kept it to myself.

Until now. ip information . parental blocker dns information where is domain hosted site rank domain dns server . list of domains . up or down . i cloud web archive . wall cloud apache web server . word cloud

So many thoughts….

by on December 6, 2008 at 5:00 am

I have been running around Israel all week meeting with amazing Israeli start-ups.  Things are really picking up here. Very exciting times.

I have not had time to synthesize all my thoughts and observations…yet…be patient.. more to come.

In the meantime enjoy the photos on Flickr: Tags / kinnernet2006 [idea stolen from Jeff P]

and some of the other blog posts by Jeff, Tom, Loic , Heiko and Mary – to get the current scoop

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Cobalt Biofuels gets $25M for biobutanol

by on December 20, 2007 at 11:54 pm

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Wireless & Speed in South African Townships

by on December 24, 2006 at 10:30 pm

Although written a few weeks ago, I just came across this ZDNET article on South African township cell phone penetration. Having spent a chunk of time there, I know that locals use them frequently and have been ever since the growing bouts of violence – its important to always be connected. But in townships?

They mention Alexandra, a township not far from some of Johannesburg’s wealthiest suburbs. I remember seeing smoke hail from in the backyard of the home of my then brother-in-law in a nearby neighborhood. Smoke, noise and sirens were not uncommon in Alexandra at the time and I remember certain days more than others, since I spent many a day in their garden typing away on an old fashioned typewriter eating guavas and drinking tea. It remains one of the roughest townships and now, according to this article, you can use your laptop, a data card, read email and get wireless. It’s hard to imagine.

I learn that South African mobile operators Vodacom and MTN launched HSDPA (high-speed downlink packet access), wireless broadband technology that is five times faster than the first third-generation (3G) networks six months ago. parental blocker dns information domain dns server . list of domains . ip analysis . i cloud web archive . website down . apache web server word cloud . English to Armenian . Brasov . Restosundsecge . peta dunia satelit .

Rediscovering eVoid

by on December 21, 2006 at 5:39 pm

Thanks to great search engines, I was able to track down an old African band favorite: eVoid, not to be found on U.S. soil. I had to order it from South Africa, however both CDs arrived and I’m a happy camper.

Their first album is still my favorite, as first albums often are. Their sound is an eclectic mix of African and 1980’s Rock, but closer to the style you found in Europe during the same period. I have been dancing up a storm until three am on more than one occasion since they arrived. It’s hard to sleep when something so good moves your soul.

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Tom Foremski posts coming soon

by on December 17, 2006 at 10:55 pm

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