Archive for 'Events'

Confederations Cup advert

by on November 25, 2008 at 4:20 am

I am very impressed with the advert that has emerged for the Confederation Cup next year in June.
You can apply for tickets at your nearest FNB branch or visit

Similar Posts:2010 ticket prices and availability

Real men don’t rape – Zola said it

You can register to vote in weekday office hours

Nike Advert For South Africa

Eagle-Eye […]

South African Innovation to be Seen by Top Bloggers

by on November 20, 2008 at 11:24 am

South African innovation to be seen through the eyes of top bloggers on an upcoming blogger tour staring on November 29th. Some bloggers leave in less than a week, and are heading to Cape Town and Johannesburg to prepare for a nine day tour north to south and then back again. I announced the tour about a week ago and will be posting updates until the tour officially starts.

All South African blog posts on Down the Avenue will be automatically pushed to newly launched blog We Blog the World. Posts from eight other American bloggers, one French blogger and four South African bloggers will also be sharing content on-the-ground, posting directly to their own blogs as well as We Blog the World, including Ndumiso Ngcobo, author of “Some of My Best Friends are White,” and Nicholas Haralambous of

The tour is being sponsored by Brand South Africa/IMC who with the help of Graeme Addison is putting together a top notch agenda that will wow even the savviest of travelers. Simon Barber of IMC also announced the tour on the Brand South African blog.

We’ll be armed with mobile devices, camcorders, laptops, cameras, 3G wireless modems donated by Vodacom, and digital recorders so we can be connected around the clock, even in remote rural areas she hopes with a geeky yet coy smile. While the schedule hasn’t been finalized, it will include:

A helicopter ride out to De Beers’ state of the art mining ship, Peace in Africa, off the west coast

A glimpse of South Africa’s sustainable energy and green technology projects, including the Joule electric car and the Darling wind farm

A close to 4 kilometer trip down to the ore face at the world’s deepest mine: Anglogold Ashanti’s Tau Tona

A hike in the Magaliesberg with an innovative programme to rescue troubled youth

An overnight in Soweto to get a feel for its history and transformation

A visit to Soccer City to get the latest on World Cup 2010

A sampling of South African wine at Stormhoek Winery, one of the early pioneers of using web-based social networks to become an internationally-respected brand (go Web 2.0 🙂

I have been helping organize this upcoming wild ride. Thanks to Michael Gray once again for his technical expertise and patience in getting We Blog the World off the ground, not to mention various other sites and social networks that will present our journey visually.

We have set up We Blog the World accounts on YouTube, Twitter and flickr and bloggers may also be posting to Zoopy, a South African social network that includes photos, podcasts, video and more. Please join our feeds, follow along on Twitter, YouTube and flickr and tune into our individual blogs, the Brand South African blog, and We Blog the World (South Africa page).

Bafana take down Cameroon

by on November 20, 2008 at 7:02 am

photo: Alexander Joe, AFP
3-2 to Bafana Bafana. You know it.
Very short post but have to show my pride that Bafana has taken on Africa’s best and won. Great work.
Similar Posts:Can you twist? – a South African online reality show

SA soccer in tatters – Let the Boks go, focus on Bafana

SA Triumph In Golf, Soccer […]

Sports Star of the year – Get voting

by on November 18, 2008 at 1:06 am

It is that time of year once again. The time of year when sports people that we all support throughout the year are rewarded. This years candidates have been announced, they are on the radio being promoted so what you need to do is go and vote for one of the following candidates for SA’s […] – why would you vote in 2009?

by on November 14, 2008 at 5:00 am

If crime isn’t a problem in SA and everyone has a job, if poverty doesn’t exist and everyone has food to eat, if every child is educated, not starving and has a roof over their heads and if South Africa is perfect…
then why vote?
The above statement is outrageous. At SA Rocks I have always maintained […]

You can register to vote in weekday office hours

by on November 14, 2008 at 12:00 am

According to the IEC 3.6 million South Africans passed through ±19 000 registration stations over the registration weekend that just passed.
I am fairly impressed I must say.
Apparently a total of 1 648 189 new voters were registered, the rest were people checking their details and changing their voter districts. Again, I am impressed. […]

We Blog the World – A South African Bloggers Tour

by on November 12, 2008 at 11:18 pm

I am really chuffed to be a part of a fantastic (and very smart) initiative by the International Marketing Council (IMC).
The basic idea, as I like to understand it, is that 11 international bloggers who are all prominent in their respective fields will all be heading for SA for a ten day whirlwind tour […]

Announcing South African Blogging Expedition

by on November 12, 2008 at 2:52 pm

Brand_south_africa In my most recent post, I announced the launch of a new blog I’ve been working on for a couple of months called We Blog the World. Here, as well as on the Brand South Africa blog, a group of American and South African bloggers will be posting stories, video and photos as they tour the country starting Thanksgiving week.

The International Marketing Council (IMC) is sponsoring the blogging expedition. IMC’s Simon Barber, who is organizing the tour schedule together with Graeme Addison, is putting together an incredible agenda that includes Stellenbosch, Darling, Alexander Bay, Port Nolloth, Carltonville, Magaliesberg, Cradle, Soweto and Johannesburg. Renown South African blogger Matthew Buckland who will be joining us on-site also wrote about the tour kick-off in depth. Simon wrote an extensive blog post about the tour this week on thoughtleader, so be sure to check it out.

I’ve been working with Simon and Graeme to organize a diverse group of 10-12 bloggers who will tour the country from late November to December 10th. More on the itinerary as we get closer.

Joining me on this exciting tour is:

Zadi Diaz

Mona Gable

Ray Lewis

John Gartner

Chris Morrison

David Sasaki

Eliane Fioret

Graeme Wood

I’ll be blogging to both Down the Avenue and We Blog the World

South Africans bloggers onboard the tour include:

Simon Barber

Nick Haralambous

Ndumiso Ngcobo

Below is a snippet of the We Blog the World South Africa page which will be fleshed out after the tour begins later this month.


President Barack Obama all the way!

by on November 5, 2008 at 2:01 am

I was biting back the tears during Barack Obama’s victory speech as president-elect of the U.S. There was so much at stake in this election. Without trying to overstate and get carried away, we can still safely say that its probably been the most significant election, ever, in the history of the world. This is […]

Click on headline link to visit for full article

The Word is Out

by on November 3, 2008 at 9:52 am

The countdown to the 2008 Brand South Africa Bloggers Tour has begun. Matthew Buckland reveals who’s joining us on the adventure. Stay tuned.