Archive for 'Social Media'
Be Everywhere! My Secret Stash of Social Media Meta Tools for Easily Syndicating Your Work
[This has no text appearing on the page, so until we get this solved we shouldn’t have a headline with no blog entry. – jd]
Whether I’m keynoting or participating on a panel or even at a party, socializing and talking business, I get the same basic question over and over.
“How do you manage to be everywhere at once?”
They are not talking about my physical body, which is mostly planted in my Aeron chair moving Personal Life Media forward. What they are talking about is the level of conversation I keep up online via Twitter, on Facebook, in my LinkedIn page, on my blog, with my weekly podcast. And everyone wants specifics. Exactly what do I use and how do I connect all the disparate services together?
I use a couple of really good meta-tools that lay on top of the various social nets, allowing me to write once-post many with my written content and my photos/videos/images. This syndication is at the core of my work and simplifies and radiates my work to my friends and followers across multiple networks.
My constellation of tools includes:
- MobyPicture for syndicating my photos from my iPhone and Mac across ALL my socnets simultaneously (kicks TwitPic’s booty) Read my Post Once Appear Everywhere review of MobyPicture here.
- TweetLater Professional (there’s a free version) for pre-scheduling Tweets to come out over time about my DishyMix podcast episodes, other shows on Personal Life Media and some of my better blog posts, of which I hope this is one
- Trackur for online reputation management and social listening. It’s superior to Google Alerts
- I’m also testing uberVU in their private beta as it’s a threaded listening/commenting system, because once you syndicate your content across multiple networks, you get comments coming in from all those places and you need a single UI in which to manage the conversations
- and a Twitter Custom Search bookmark on my Firefox browser toolbar that @DaveTaylor taught me how to do: “dishymix” OR “susan bratton” OR “@susanbratton” OR “personal life media” OR “talk show tips” (learn how from Dave here)
- Image of Dave Taylor
Note: MobyPicture is a Dutch company, founded by Mathys van Abbe. More about MobyPicture here. TweetLater Professional is a Canadian company, founded by Dewald Pretorius. Trackur is a US company, founded by Andy Beal. uberVu is a Romanian company, founded by Vladimir Oane and Dragos Ilinca. We met an amazing number of social media start ups on our Traveling Geeks tour which you should check out.
This post will focus on how I use Tweetlater Pro to schedule and use “spinnable text” so that I’m promoting my work over time across Twitter. I do link my Tweets to Facebook, so they appear there as well.
This is an excerpt from my elearning system, Talk Show Tips: 72 Secret Master Host Techniques in which I teach you how to prepare for a conduct interviews but also exactly how I use social influence marketing to promote my shows. TweetLater Professional is a mainstay in my strategy.
- Image by adria.richards via Flickr
Using TweetLater Professional to Manage Your Twitter Schedule
I am so glad Dewald Pretorius (love that name!) had the organizational foresight to invent TweetLater Professional. I follow him on Twitter @dewaldp. I want to be in the Twitterverse on a consistent basis, but I have a business to run and a life to lead. TweetLater Professional “TLP,” for which I pay $29.97, a month is completely worth the price for its time-saving features.
I have a lot I want to Twitter about. I blog, I have my podcast, we do 39 other interesting shows on the network, I find other blog posts and articles I want to share, I like to post about where I’m speaking, I want to “crowd source” answers to my questions…I love to interact on Twitter. I take a proactive approach to much of what I Twitter. I like to write a whole series of Tweets and then schedule them to appear at times when I know my East and West Coast friends are most likely to see them. Then I supplement those pre-planned Twitters with all of the spur of the moment things about which I want to communicate by Twittering on the fly.
I also know that any one follower may not likely be watching their Twitter stream when I’m Twittering about a specific subject. For important things, like my weekly show, I want to be able to Twitter about it more than one time. I will write 4-8 different versions of a Twitter about a single episode and schedule them to appear over a 1-3 week period. That way, if one post doesn’t catch your attention or your fancy, another one about the same show just might.
Here is what the basic TweetLater data entry screen looks like.
TweetLater Main Entry Screen
Here are examples of four Twitter posts I scheduled through TweetLater Professional (using Spinnable Tweet Text – more below) to come out in one month about one single episode of DishyMix:
Pivotal Veracity. I don’t know what it is, but I want it. McClosky recommends cool email tools.
The Jazz Club Dolphin on Text Vs. HTML
40,000 Email Marketing Campaigns Later, The #1 Piece of Advice Emerges
Shy? An incredibly convoluted but elegant solution to networking from Bill McClosky.
Notice that they all have the same TwitPWR url? That way, which ever ones get RT’d, give more power to that single url and reinforce my standing at TwitPWR. I also save draft tweets that include text and a TwitPWR url in it if it’s a really good episode and I’ll want to promote it for weeks afterward.
Spinnable Tweet Text
My very favorite feature of TweetLater Professional is not just scheduling tweets that will be published every X number of hours, days, or weeks. The “Spinnable Text” feature is BRILLIANT. To avoid having the tweet say exactly the same thing every time it is published, you can provide alternate tweet text options (multi-level spinnable tweet text) from which the final tweet text is compiled every time a recur is published.
My Spinnable Text post for the above four Tweets about Bill McClosky’s interview on DishyMix looked like this in the entry box:
{Pivotal Veracity. I don’t know what it is, but I want it. McClosky recommends cool email tools.|The Jazz Club Dolphin on Text Vs. HTML|40,000 Email Marketing Campaigns Later, The #1 Piece of Advice Emerges|Shy? An incredibly convoluted but elegant solution to networking from Bill McClosky.}
Note: You can always cancel or pause these kinds of recurring Tweets if they become noxious or are no longer viable. Also, the directions for how to do Spinnable Text are very well done on the TweetLater console.
In addition to the advanced scheduling, another feature I like in TLP is the ability to schedule for multiple accounts. I manage my own Twitter account @SusanBratton, I also manage the Twitter stream for @PersonalLIfe and I contribute to the Association for Downloadable Media’s Twitter feed, @ADMTweets. I can write any Twitter and decide to post it to one, two or all three of my accounts using TLP.
TweetLater Pro Accounts
Note: I also own @TalkShowTips and @DishyMix and send potential followers to @SusanBratton to follow me there.
Track Your Keywords on Twitter with TweetLater Professional
I have set up alerts and track a list of keywords using TweetLater Professional too. I use it like I do with Trackur, which I view about once a week. I like getting the Twitter digest every day in email so I can discover new people to follow or who I can tell about TalkShowTips. You can also use this feature to track your @replies, though I keep up with them through TweetDeck when I’m at my desk and Twitterific on my iPhone. It feels more timely to me to get them at those places, than TweetLater Professional.
I am actively looking for Twitterers who are posting about their latest show, so I can ping them about this book or respond to them in general. Here are my current list of keywords and phrases I track:
“latest podcast”, “my podcast”, “my show”, “new episode” ,”new podcast”, “new show”, “personal life media”, @susanbratton, #adtech, #TG2009, dishymix, podcast advertising, show host, susan bratton, susanbratton, talk show, talk show host, talkshow, talk show tips, talkshowtips, plm
This is how the email digest of results from your Keyword Tracking in Tweetlater Professional looks. These are a few Twitters, mostly from others, about DishyMix:
TweetLaterPro Keyword Digest
The Big Brouhaha About Twitter Automation
I must warn you. There are some features of TweetLater Professional that are unpopular with the “Twitterati*.”
You can set Tweetlater Professional to automatically follow anyone who follows you, even with a 72 hour window to manually review your new followers before you confirm them. Turn about is fair play. You can also autmatically unfollow anyone who unfollows you. Fair enough. You can also automatically send a message to anyone who follows you. I like to thank my new followers, but a LOT of big name Twitters do not agree with me. They feel it’s spammy. They hate what are callled “Auto DM’s.” It’s a personal choice. If someone is really going to unfollow me because I thanked them for following me, then OK. I can live with that.
I am a mannerly woman and I like to say thanks. You should choose what feels best to you. Here’s a post I did on a dozen things to know about managing your online reputation. Always go with your gut. Here’s my SXSW interview with Guy Kawasaki where he says if he’s not pissing somone off, then he’s doing something wrong. With 150,000 followers, he can afford a few unfollows.
Twitter is a big social experiment and you have to have the confidence to feel your way through, apologize for mistakes and try new things! I find an apology is all it takes if you cross someone’s boundary.
Now you know the set of tools I use to “be everywhere” and a bit more detail about how I leverage TweetLater Professsional. Let me know what additional questions you have and tools you like for managing across social nets.
* Twitterati means the celebrity people on Twitter who have a large share of voice. Like the Glitterati or the Digerati… They can wield a big stick with their opinions.
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Huddle Integrates Humanity into Next-Gen Collaboration Tool #TG2009
Andy McLoughlin (@bandrew @huddle) and Alastair Mitchell asked this simple question:
What happens when the MySpace gen goes to work?
If Andy and Alastair have the answer, it’s “use Huddle,” their collaboration service that succinctly integrates file management, file sharing, permissions, whiteboards, task management, and online meeting tools into a clean interface that comes to you, in your social environment.
One of the first companies invited to integrated into LinkedIn, Huddle is next launching within Ning – to bring group collaboration tools to groups, where than hang out.
I’ve used Basecamp and Lighthouse among other collaboration tools and Huddle looks like a definite improvement for a few reasons. First, the buddy list brings humanity into an experience that’s previously been “document” or “project-focused” rather than people-focused. Secondly, there’s web conferencing built right in. Third, you can live edit documents together, which I find I do often. And you can manage tasks for multiple projects in your account.
At Personal Life Media, though our experts are mostly in NY and SF, our production group is in Florida, we have developers in Chicago, New York and Chennai. All businesses are moving to global collaboration and Huddle is the next generation of collaboration tools. And there’s a Freemium business model, so you can try out a free account.
Replace Basecamp, GoToMeeting, Google Docs and your Chat ap with Huddle.
From the Seedcamp Profile:
Andy McLoughlin Alastair Mitchell
Twitter: huddle
Contact Phone: +44 (0)7811 103 540
Company Description
Established by Alastair Mitchell and Andy McLoughlin in November 2006, is a multi award-winning network of secure online workspaces where users can share files, collaborate on ideas, manage projects and organise virtual meetings.
Its customers include P&G, Pearson, Nokia and UNICEF, hundreds of thousands of small businesses and a number of UK and US government departments. Huddle’s API enables developers to integrate their applications and build new services on top of the Huddle platform.
In October 2008, launched on the LinkedIn application platform as the only non-US company, alongside Amazon and Google. In February 2009, the company partnered with InterCall, the world’s largest conferencing provider, to provide services to theit 1M+ customers. In June 2009 BusinessWeek called one of their ‘50 most promising startups’ globally.’s 30 staff are headquartered in London with sales offices in Chicago. A San Francisco office will open in September 2009.
uberVU Social Media Commenting Tracking & Reply System #TG2009
Two of the things I’m tracking right now are social media meta tools and social media data mining for marketers.
uberVU, a European start up from Romania has created a clever social media meta tool that solves a real problem for content creators in the social sphere. With uberVU, you can track conversations that happen anywhere on the web and see the responses in a single interface.
For example, this blog post is posted to my DishyMix blog, but will also automatically be Twittered and will get syndicated to my Facebook page. Anyone can reply to the blog post, reply to me @SusanBratton or comment on Facebook. uberVU lets me see all the comments in a single location and then allows me to comment from that UI.
Vladimir Oane and Dragos Ilinca of uberVU are in private beta now and public beta soon on their comment tracking and reply system.
Here are some screen shots I got while meeting them at the Seedcamp US/UK Speed Dating event last week in London at part of my Traveling Geeks trip.
You can track your own work or track stories from other sources. Select a blog post or Tweet for example and uberVU compiles the reactions to the story from where ever that story appears – blogs, Twitter, Digg, FriendFeed, Disqus, YouTube and many more.
You can see all the responses to a story as a threaded conversation. And you can respond from the uberVU interface to any or all of the comments across myriad sites.
In my interview with @DaveTaylor at SXSW, he says the often overlooked but most important activity he recommends is posting blog comments around your key areas of expertise to stay active in the blogosphere. With uberVU, you can see what’s being said AND COMMENT ON IT from a single interface.
Susan Bratton & Dave Taylor on Social Media Commenting Strategies
uberVu is a web app that uses the ContextVoice API to track what’s being said across social graphs, using sentiment analysis, search and filtering, giving you near real time results.
Tips for Using YouTube for Affiliate Marketing from Econsultantcy’s “The Innovation Report” #TG2009
As a Traveling Geek in London, I participated in a Round Table Discussion event with some of Econsultancy’s clients.
- Traveling Geeks Econsultancy Round Table Discussions at the Globe Theatre
See the TG2009 Econsultancy Flickr Set Here
As a follow up to the event, I was given a copy of their very well done Innovation Report.
If you want a high level overview of some of the hottest technology companies in the digital media and marketing space, this report does a great job with highlighting best practices in the following disciplines:
- Affiliate marketing
- Email marketing
- Online advertising
- Multichannel marketing
- Online customer service
- Online PR
- Social media and communities
- Search marketing
- Usability and user experience
- Web analytics and optimization
One of the most interesting sections to me was on using video to drive affiliate traffic, written by Shawn Collins of Affiliate Summit. (Most of the companies featured are European, but this example of a “best practice” was from Shawn, a US affiliate champion.)
For more free and in-depth coverage on video, I interview Bruce Clay about Video SEO on DishyMix airing today:
Bruce Clay on Video SEO, Page Rank Sculpting and Search Siloing Strategies
From Econsultancy’s Innovation Report
Video as a channel to drive direct traffic to affiliate links
Category: Affiliate Marketing
Many affiliates use video as a channel to drive traffic, but one innovative tactic to drive through higher volumes is to include the URL of the affiliate site and embed it within the video itself. According to Shawn Collins, few affiliates are making use of video to either drive traffic to their
own sites or to affiliate links directly. Shawn Collins tested various online video engagement strategies, trialling videos through a number of popular sites, including YouTube, MySpace, Revver and Yahoo Video.
Per Shawn Collins, co-founder, Affiliate Summit
?I have tested various methods over the past year… and found that the following format works best: – I then create a redirect via an .htaccess file, so that /product-name
points to the affiliate link. The URL is featured for the duration of the video uploaded to the video sites.
?Conventional wisdom may be that people do not type in URLs in videos – I‘d like to share a secret that the
conventional wisdom is incorrect!
Address Books Supported by the New Contact Uploader in Skype 4.1
I recently met Neil Dodd of Skype in London and go the low down on Skype’s new 4.1 release. Neil says Skype now supports the following contact mangement and email systems and address books so you can easily grow your Skype address book.
Here’s the list of supported services:
Gmail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, MSN,, Daum, FastMail, Indiatimes, Interia, Libero,,, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, mynet, Rambler, rediff, SINA, Wirtualna Polska and Yandex.
Video: Interview with multiple award winner Spotify at #Europas
This is a re-post from Techcrunch Europe.
As you may well have heard, the big winner at The Europas Awards on Thursday night was Spotify, which won four awards (Best We app, Best New Startup, Best Founder Team and the Grand Prix). Here’s Shakil Khan (the video title is mis-spelt), Spotify’s Consigliere, sharing with writer and author Paul Carr and myself how he felt about winning four awards, including The Europas Grand Prix award:
Skype Talks Social Media
Peter Parkes Editor-in-Chief and Neil Dodd, Windows Experience Manager at Skype talk to me about their social media roles in London and beyond.
DishyMix: Susan Bratton Podcasts & Blogs Executives
Here’s a photo of our dinner with, TBWA/London and some of their clients including Nike and Comic Relief. Bloggers beyond the Traveling Geeks included Mike Butcher, editor of TechCrunch and as well as other agency heads, including Chris Walker, the newly appointed Managing Director of
Andy Hobsbawm and I are friends from the TED conferences. He’s been a DishyMix guest and I’ll have him on again soon for you. In addition to Chairman of Europe, his newest endeavor is Do The Green Thing. Following his passion, Andy offers ways we can all be proactive in leading a greener life.
Skype’s Blogger-in-Chief & Robert Scoble Chat about Social Media
Below, I’m interviewing Robert Scoble and Skype’s blogger-in-chief Peter Parkes about how blogging has changed over the years and how Skype is using blogging and social media in Europe and the rest of the world.
Are You There? Skype is My Traveling Geeks Lifeline #TG2009
- Image via CrunchBase
Every night I can’t wait to get back to my room and Skype my husband. Seeing his beautiful face is the perfect end to my days as a Traveling Geek here in London.
This morning we were treated to a lovely lunch at Malmaison and I was lucky enough to score a seat next to Neil Dodd, Windows Experience Manager at Skype London. Neil just completed Skype 4.1 Gold for Windows and it has some valuable new features that you will want to know about.
Download Skype 4.1 for Windows
Though Skype 4.1 is only for Windows today, the Mac 2.8 Beta out now will go “Gold” in a few weeks.
I’ve been using GoTo Meeting nearly every day lately, and I’m going to try out one of the newest features of Skype which is screen sharing.
Screen sharing includes swapping between people, so no matter who originates the call, you can trade screen sharing back and forth. Screen sharing is compatible with anyone’s past version of Skype – anyone can see your screen. For them to share back, however, they will need to upgrade, so check that first before you start your call.
This week I saw a demo of Huddle (which I will write more about soon), which is a new collaboration tool and it has conference calling built in, which is now an important requirement of collaboration tools. The face that Skype has screen sharing will make it all that more invaluable as a part of our everyday applications.
According to Neil Dodd, this release is just the start of collaboration tools from Skype. Probably if I were as good a reporter as Sarah Lacy, here on the trip with me as a fellow Geek, I’d have gotten more of a scoop for you.
Another incredibly helpful feature is called Skype Access. It’s a tool built into the Skype client that allows you to connect to compatible WiFi hotspots and pay for that access with your Skype credit by the minute. Instead of purchasing a whole day pass, you can make micropayments for quick stop overs in airports and Starbucks. Skype Access is Mac-only for now. That’s a nice change!
Next time you travel, try managing the WiFi access point from your Skype client instead of from your browser. Boingo compatible WiFi hotspots are currently supported which is actually the bulk of WiFi according to Neil. Many hotspots might be branded something else, but are actually Boingo. So give it a try.
And, for a connector like me, my favorite new feature of Skype is a new extended contact import feature so you can find your friends and contacts on Skype. Before you pick up the phone or email, you can have a more novel experience by Skyping your friend. Now with the new Contact Uploader, you supply your credentials to a raft of contact systems and they will be matched against the Skype user directory and sent an authorization request. You can control to whom you send requests and edit the email that gets sent.
Using Skype video is such a more fun connection occaison than an email that I’m going to give the uploader a shot at matching some folks from my database as soon as I get home.
Hope you enjoyed the update from Skype.
Signing off until tomorrow. Tim is online and I’m going Skype him right now!