About Us
Traveling Geeks is a consortium of entrepreneurs, thought leaders, authors, journalists, bloggers, technology innovators and influencers who travel to countries to share and learn from peers, governments, corporations, and the general public to educate, share, evaluate, and promote new, innovative technologies. The initiative was founded by Renee Blodgett and Jeff Saperstein in 2008.
Trips are funded by sponsorships from corporations, organizations and governments. The first tour was sponsored by the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a trip that successfully marked the proof of concept that could expand to other countries around the world.
Read MoreMobileGlobe’s Yoann Valensi on Cheap Calls

Stribe’s Kamel Zeroual on Embedded Community
This past week in Paris, we spent time with Stribe’s Kamel Zeroual who won an award at TechCrunch 50 this past fall. Listen to why he thinks embedding community into your existing environment is so important. On stage at LeWeb last week, they showed a white label version that ToysRUs had implemented. [Click (more…) for the video] (Continue reading this entry…)
My first batch of Companies at Travelling Geeks
Here are some of the companies from the first full day of my recent time with the Travelling Geeks project in Paris. I’m not going to write about all the companies that I met during the trip, just the ones that caught my eye and made me want to know a bit more for various reasons, both good and bad. (Continue reading this entry…)
In From Around the World
[youtube FsxmA8FU2II]
Paris Diary: LeWeb Roundup – Vacuous Social Media Messages; LeWeb A Pay-To- Present Platform; and YouTube Millionaires…
(LeWeb conference floor – photo by David Spark.)
The beauty of the blogging approach to news is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. If someone has written up a great story, you can simply point to it instead of trying to recreate it.
At LeWeb I was part of the Traveling Geeks group, and the group was producing a lot of great content. Here is a selection: (Continue reading this entry…)
Chris Pirillo on Mobile Speech Recognition: It’s So Accurate Man #tg09, #leweb
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on Social Media #tg09 #leweb
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah gave an amazingly inspirational talk….on social media and how powerful it can be to mobilize social issues and causes, on passion, on having a voice, on Twitter, on taking action because action is so easy for all of us now with the free and easy-to-use online tools we have at our fingertips.
[youtube XVZBHvKp9bQ]
Dancers at Paris Web Event Make an Impact #leweb
Loic and Geraldine brought in some magical, multicultural dancing talent for this year’s LeWeb speaker dinner. I could have watched all night. [Click (more…) to see the videos] (Continue reading this entry…)
With the Traveling Geeks @ Orange
This is the last part of my report of the Traveling Geeks tour in Paris before Leweb.
We met with Orange to have a glimpse of all the solutions they provide to their consumer customers: IPTV, mobile solutions, web solutions, tablets, etc. It took place in the Orange Lab situated at Chatillon, in the southern Paris suburb.
Paris City Hall and DotParis #tg09 #leweb
The Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoe and Jean-Louis Missikia, Deputy Mayor responsible for Innovation, research and universities hosted LeWeb attendees for an evening of champagne and decadent walls, ceilings and floors. As we entered, the city set up cameras to interview people on their opinion about dotParis. Should there be a dotParis and why? Should there be dotCityX? Below, a few of us were interviewed and below that, a short video I took inside City Hall, talking to some of LeWeb attendees, speakers, Traveling Geeks and random folks who made it into my zoom. (the best part of the video of course are the gorgeous ceilings). [Click (more…) to view the video] (Continue reading this entry…)