Accel Partners London Hosts the Traveling Geeks #TG2009 Who is Coming to Lunch? Find Out!

by on July 7, 2009 at 2:51 pm


Accel Partners is hosting the Traveling Geeks to meet a number of the companies in which they’ve invested, including Seatwave, Playfish, Alfresco, Weeworld, Mind Candy & Wonga.

Here’s who we’ll meet:


  • Errol Damelin, founder and CEO of Wonga


  • Kristian Segerstrale, founder and CEO of Playfish

Alfresco Logo

  • John Newton, founder, Chairman and CTO of Alfresco


  • Joe Cohen, Founder and CEO of Seatwave


  • Michael Smith , Founder and CEO of  MindCandy


Thanks to Sonali de Rycker not only for lining up such an amazing group of CEO’s and for bringing in Indian food for lunch – my special request. :)

Sonali is Indian (yay!) and we are in good hands for a delicious lunch to fortify us for this meet and greet. I had to find a way to sample the famous British Chicken Tikka.

I’ve been checking out each company and have already created my Avatar on WeeWorld. Do you like my van?

WeeWorld Susan Bratton's Avatar

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