Is Social Media Turning You Into a Low Self Esteem Anxiety-Rich Freak?

by on July 9, 2012 at 2:53 pm

A University of Salford in the UK conducted a story which indicates that social media contributes to lower self esteem and higher anxiety.
Roughly half of the survey’s nearly 300 participants, reported that their use of social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and others reduces the quality of their lives.  
Confidence is affected, they say, self esteem is lower they say and two-thirds claim they find it difficult to relax or sleep after spending time on social networks.
This isn’t rocket science. Ask anyone you know who spends a lot of time in front of a screen, glued to online games, social networks, management platforms like Hootsuite or sites where they’re engaging in any way.
Roughly a quarter cited work or relationship difficulties due to online confrontations and more than half of the participants say they feel “worried or uncomfortable” at times they are unable to access their Facebook or email accounts. I have seen anxiety arise around me when people can’t access their worlds online, including something as small as a Foursquare check-in.
Spend more time in an always on digital world and of course you’re anxiety will increase. This isn’t rocket science. But people are so hooked into the notion that it connects us ‘more’ that they don’t look for the obvious negative side effects.

Sure, I can meet new people across the globe if I am constantly glued to my Hootsuite stream, and given that I run a travel blog, there’s a lot of pluses to that, but bottom line, it takes us away from real human connections – there’s only so many hours in a day.It doesn’t help that tools like Klout, Kred, PeerIndex and others assign us grades on a daily basis that encourage high school “who’s the popular kid of the day” behavior. Offline for a day or a week and your Klout score goes down.
The tools are so one dimensional and dare I say “unheathily addictive” that it keeps you drawn into a social media online game you can never win, particularly if you want to have healthy relationships offline. Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains doesn’t lie. Not a new book, but the behavior shift is real whether or not you agree with everything in the book. Also see my post from last year on multiple digital personas.I find it ironic that a post entitled: How Social Media Makes Romantic Relationship Thrive is immediately above a post entitled: Social Media Fuels Low Self Esteem & Anxiety on Mashable, where I originally learned about the study. Here’s a link to a video reporting some of the results.
People I talk to seem to be fighting to get quality time with their other halves and the main culprit in the way? Mobile Devices and their PCs. Enuf said.