My Traveling Geeks Meme: WDYDWYD?

by on July 6, 2009 at 6:38 am

I am an enabler, helping others be successful through business education and personal relationships.

I am an enabler, helping others be successful through business education and personal relationships.

Why Do You Do What You Do?

It’s a sweetly simple question that whaps you backside your head when you actually think about the ramifications of it.

Why DO you do what you do?

Do you know?

This week, all through London and Cambridge, I’m meeting with super powers like Nokia, BT, Microsoft and a raft of early-stage technology innovators like Playfish, Digitrad, Weeworld…the list goes on.  I will be blogging about the companies that I think are the most interesting to DishyMix readers. But you know me, it’s the people that matter to me more than the technology.

Tonight at the TweetUp, a very nice young man came up to me and told me his name and company concept and said, “who here from the Traveling Geeks would I benefit most from meeting if I’m looking for funding and feedback on my business model?”  Now that’s  true entrepreneur, showing up and trying to deliver on his pre-ordained outcomes for the event. I bet he will be successful.

It’s that drive. That laser focus. The determination to make something happen that is an addictive part of the technology business. If you’ve ever listened to one of my DishyMix Podcasts, you know that I spend as much time getting to know the person behind the company as I do talking about business.

DishyMix: Success Secrets from Famous Media and Internet Business Executives

It’s that essence of the person, what makes them uniquely talented, that I love to articulate for you. So this week, I’ll be doing it via a series of blog posts and Twitters ala Tony Deifell, a Burning Man friend who invented this WDYDWYD? meme.

Let me know if you like it. It’s my first time trying outside the Playa.

This is the first in the series, of Jeff Saperstein, of the Traveling Geeks.

Jeff, explaining why he does what he does.

Jeff, explaining why he does what he does.

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