Stribe Opens its Social Network Platform

by on July 7, 2010 at 12:03 pm

This week, Stribe opens its social network platform and brings together websites sharing the same interest. After 6 months of private beta, Stribe unveils a feature that enables websites to generate more traffic.

Stribe was a finalist during TechCrunch50 2009 and won the last LeWeb European competition startup. More than 10,000 websites have asked to beta test the Stribe service since September 2009, and several hundred websites received an invitation code to embed the service.


More Traffic

Traffic acquisition is an issue for every website. Stribe now helps websites to connect with social media and with other websites sharing the same interests to get more traffic.
The entire installation process only requires sites to add one new line of code to their pages. Stribe designed viral mechanisms to let websites invite and connect with each other. All content generated by users will be indexed to improve SEO and drive more traffic to “stribed” websites.


All websites can look for communities, join them or create their own from to link with others and boost their visibility in a ring of similar sites. Most of Stribe’s features are free, however there are additional premium modules that cost, such as the back office functionality that allows websites to track key metrics of social activity and manage online communities.