Urbi on Robotics

by on December 29, 2009 at 11:45 am

Gostai.lightbg.20cm.hiAnother innovation we saw during the Traveling Geeks tour to Paris was Urbi, robotics software platform and operating system from Gostai, that makes all robots compatible.

Urbi is already compatible with numerous robots on the market, including Nao, Aibo, Spykee or Bioloid, and advanced consumer applications based on Urbi have been demonstrated on the Spykee robot in partnership with mobile phone operators: home surveillance, entertainment for kids, or remote presence.

Gostai’s project is to provide a standard environment for robotic applications development and to contribute to the growth of a new industry: service and consumer robotics.

Urbi plans to go open source in May 2010 because there is a clear need and strong trends that calls for an open source OS for robots today.