Use Motribe to Build Your Own Mobile Social Community

by on September 14, 2010 at 7:24 am

MotribeMotribe, goes live today, a South African start-up which has created a platform to enable users, brands, agencies and publishers across the world to build and manage their own mobile social communities.

Talk about a speedy execution; founders Vincent Maher and Nic Haralambous built and launched Motribe in just under 6 weeks.

They are targeting the overlooked and neglected developing world market, where they’ll offer a customized mobile payment plan. People using the Internet on their cell phones will be able to build and own a fully-featured social network optimised for the mobile Internet.

Motribe will be able to activate plugins for their network including blogs, photo sharing, real-time chatrooms, user rankings and customizable HTML snippets amongst various other plugins. Various themes will be available to premium account holders for their networks as well as the ability to take earn revenue from advertising within a community.

Below: Maher and Haralambous 037_motribe_9013-Edit (3)

Motribe will launch to over 150 countries across the globe from day one. The rapid growth of mobile Internet in Africa and the desire from users to create and maintain networks on their phones has led to the creation of a niche and innovative product emerging out of South Africa.

While many companies have chosen to ignore the developing world market, Motribe is taking that market as well as the developed world head on and providing practical solutions to their social networking and communication needs.

The technology being offered up by the company is globally applicable and relevant. Users, brands, agencies and customers from across the world, in any and all markets will all find a use for a Motribe community and immediately see the value of the product.

With very little knowledge or Internet experience everyone from the man on the street all the way through to the most sophisticated advertising agency will be able to build, manage and generate income from their very own mobile social networks.